Random Bingo Cards
The fastest and most popular Bingo Card Generator in the world!
- Create randomized bingo cards for free in seconds with our amazingBingo Card Generator.
- Print your bingo cards at home to play in‑person, or send out links to play a Virtual Bingo Game - we even provide a bingo caller!
- Choose from ready-made Number Bingo Cards or browse through bingo ideas for all occasions.
- All our bingo cards can be customized (edit the title, background, content). Make the perfect bingo cards for your party or event.
- If you need 10 cards or 1,000 bingo cards, Bingo Baker is the only app that can handle it. And you don't have to worry about getting duplicate cards. Bingo Baker allows you to print 1, 2 or 4 cards per page.
- A standard bingo card contains 25 squares with 5 rows and 5 columns. The columns are labeled B, I, N, G, O in that order. The numbers are filled from the top to the bottom of a column, beginning with 1 in the.
Bingo card size. This is how big your bingo card would be. Number of cards. Max supported 100. Cards per sheet. Standard A4 size paper assumed. Options Sort the words. Helpful if your words are mostly numbers. Include a 'free' space in the center. Only applies if the size of your card. Create Bingo Cards with Adobe Spark Post. Put a unique spin on your next game of bingo with the fully customizable bingo card templates from Adobe Spark Post. A professionally-designed selection of bingo card templates allows you to set the tone and theme. Choose fonts, colors, and other decorative design elements to add to your bingo cards. Welcome to myfreebingocards.com. The fastest and most popular Bingo Card Generator in the world! Create randomized bingo cards for free in seconds with our amazing Bingo Card Generator.; Print your bingo cards at home to play in‑person, or send out links to play a Virtual Bingo Game - we even provide a bingo caller!; Choose from ready-made Number Bingo Cards or browse through bingo.
A couple of years ago, I posted about an Excel bingo workbook, that you could use to create a set of three cards with random numbers. It uses the INDEX and MATCH functions to pull the numbers from another sheet.
=INDEX(Numbers!$M$1:$M$15, MATCH(LARGE(
Numbers!$N$1:$N$15, ROW()-1), Numbers!$N$1:$N$15,0))
There were a few follow up workbooks, including an Excel Bingo Number Selector file from Dick Kusleika.
Horizontal Number Lists
This week, Carrie posted a comment on that article, and she wanted to adapt the bingo cards so they could be printed with Adobe InDesign. Instead of a square with 25 numbers, that program needs the 25 numbers in a single row.
Using the example in the screen shot above, the numbers in the first two rows would be arranged like this, followed by the numbers from the remaining rows:
Random Number Code
Jim Cone pitched in, and wrote some code to generate the random numbers in single rows, but it created some duplicates in the rows. Carrie didn't want an uprising in the bingo hall, so we sent Jim away to try again. 😉
It didn't take long for him to return with some code that worked correctly, so Carrie, and her Hummel figurine collecting friends, can safely play bingo this summer.
Random Bingo Cards Online
Whew! A bit later, Dick posted an update for Jim's code. It's shorter, and does the job very well.
Copy the Random Number Code
Thanks Jim and Dick! I'm sure Carrie appreciates the code, and maybe it will help a few other people.
To use this random number code, copy it to a regular code module in your workbook.
Free Printable Random Bingo Cards
Then, go to a blank sheet, and run the SurelyYouCantBeSerious_R1 code.
Random Bingo Cards 1-90